Sorry everyone I have suspended registration as there is a technical problem with the emails for passwords not being sent to the new users. I’m working on this and hopefully it will be back up soon. Update – 23/02/2014 – Emails with passwords were being blocked but this should now be working. New registration is now active here. If the problem persists then please emails me at Many password email have been filtered – so please check your SPAM […]
“Where have some of the items gone on” Sorry but I have made some of the more interesting items and articles members only. I hope this does not interfere with the casual visitors experience when visiting the site. I did have to restrict the number of ‘squares’ show on the homepage as the site was starting to load very slowly with 300+ items. Registration is free and will allow you to see all the members hidden items some of them […]
Well that’s over three hundred squares, it’s been hard work. Three tasks for this year; 1) Try to get some videos up and running. 2) The Briglin Timeline – A study of the marks and dates. 3) Tidy up the forum and try to invite some friends.
Hi All, we are at 272 ‘squares’ – I did not intend to continue this blog as new items go on FACEBOOK and TWITTER before they come here. I thought it was worth mentioning what is on the horizon. I have about x20 items to as to the square library including some interesting new marks. I also intend to upload to Youtube a series of short videos. I’ve tested the format and not found it easy to keep the […]
No point in keeping this Blog going when TWITTER and FACEBOOKY work a lot better – i post all new stuff there months before it comes on this website, so it you want the latest news and extra posts then follow me on twitter or faceeeybooky. BR Alex. @ Facebook @ Twitter @BRIGLIN_COM