OK , many late nights – about 1/3 of the items added – approx 150 posts to go and a few articles to move over. Then I have the forum to get going…..fun fun fun, but at least I’m happy with the icons for the main page. Must stop buying ceramics as can’t add them fast enough!
Sorry no Twitter link yet. It will be one of the last things I get working. It will happen one day…
Boring… looking at the posts I need to make them more interesting. So expect an image upgrade to each ASAP. I have so much to do… 1000 images to add…. more than there are pebbles on a beech….feels like it.
Hi everyone, I have about x40 new items to add to the site as well as all the old ones. I have a list of things to do as long as your arm and the current plan is to finish all the updates over Easter. This was meant to be Christmas but the cheer and the mince pies got the better of me. I have some lovely vases to add, you’ll love them…. trust me there are some photos on FB.
Portfolio The new front page misses out on the usual prosaic logos and fancy banners. It just displays the content of this site….. Briglin Pottery and lots of it. The content is what you are here for so why not show it off. Each icon relates to a item and you can click on it then click through that items images. >>>>Please note you can quickly flick through item page images by clicking on the photo itself, you do not […]